Tom develop a mass in his stomach a year ago. The poor boy was in and out of the vets for 3 months before the vets decided to keep him in and starve him to see what the mass was, it ended up being a mass of food. We still don't know how he had developed the mass, and if it will come back. After being starved for 3 weeks, the vets decided to send him home as the mass was small enough so that he could pass it naturally. My vet recommended me to feed Simple System feed and see how he got on with building him up and hopefully help him to recover. Thanks to Helen and Kate for all their help and support. Tom is now in work and we did our first dressage test and got 59.1% - pretty good for a horse that was at death's door a year ago. Tom is such a great horse, he tries to please all the time, even when he was in the vets and had no strength, he still managed to whinny at me. I love my boy so much. Thank you everyone for all you help and support
Premium lucerne chop, naturally high in calcium & protein to support muscles & bones.
Premium 12mm lucerne nuts, naturally high in calcium & protein to support muscles & bones.
A complete & convenient feed, combining our high quality forages & complementary ingredients.
A blend of top quality ingredients for our ultimate forage balancer. Feed all year round to complement forages & grazing.