Excitable/Stressy Horses
Some breeds, types or just individual horses appear more tense, reactive and naturally energetic than their companions, even when managed in the same way. Whilst it is difficult to change underlying temperament, some feeds and ingredients can worsen the situation whilst others can help take the edge off.
Typically, it is suggested to avoid high starch and cereal-based feeds and keep sugar levels low, avoiding refined sugars such as molasses. Where higher digestible energy levels are required for poorer doers or those in harder work, using highly digestible fibres and oil will provide a slower release form of energy aiding stamina but without being ‘heating’.
We suggest lucerne as a base forage type, for its naturally low sugar level and linseed for stamina and calorie density. Lucerne is also a natural buffer of acid to support those whose spookiness may be due to digestive discomfort; Target Feeding directly before work also helps line the stomach and can improve concentration.
Very reactive and stressed horses often have quite an over-active digestive system and can benefit from a top-up of B-group Vitamins in the form or Traditional Brewer’s Yeast.
Artificial magnesium calmers often worsen the situation, but natural magnesium (used in Lunar Eclipse) is more appropriately absorbed and can offer calming support to those where a deficiency may be the issue.