The phrase 'poor doer' is used to desribe any horse or pony who tends to lose weight quite quickly, or needs a lot of supplementary feeding alongside their grazing and forage just to maintain their weight.
Typically we may think of older horses or Thoroughbreds as being 'poor doers', but any horse of any breed, age or use can be a 'poor doer'.
Difficulty maintaining weight can be caused by a variety of reasons including the weather and temperature, stress or poor dentition. It is always important to identify the cause of any sudden weightloss and speak to your vet if you are concerned there could be an underlying health issue.
Making use of earlier cut and highly digestible forages helps increase protein and digestible energy intake without the use of starchy cereals. High oil linseed can be used to increase the calorie density of feeds, ideal for those with a smaller appetite.
Premium chopped sainfoin with cold pressed linseed oil.
A nutrient rich, premium lucerne chop with fresh cold pressed linseed oil.
Premium grass chop with cold pressed linseed oil.
A blend of highly nutritious, natural ingredients for a convenient, nutrient rich, top up feed.
Premium 6mm high protein grass pellets, providing all the benefits of spring grass.
Premium forage alternative to lucerne and grass, rich in natural minerals and trace elements.
A nutritious blend of easily digested forages, grown together, to increase variety in the diet.
Cooked full fat linseed, ready to feed. A valuable source of essential Omega 3.
Premium 6mm organic lucerne pellets, naturally high in calcium & protein to support muscles & bones.
A complete & convenient feed, combining our high quality forages & complementary ingredients.
A carefully formulated forage balancer containing high quality functional ingredients for promoting optimum health.
Sainfoin compressed into 1kg blocks, rich in natural minerals & trace elements. Feed whole & dry to mimic grazing.
Premium 12mm lucerne nuts, naturally high in calcium & protein to support muscles & bones.
Finely cut herbal spearmint, ideally used as a feed appetiser.
An easy to use weigh tape to measure your horse's weight. The weigh tape measures up to 850kg.
Passionate about all things forage feeding, our friendly advisors are happy to help, from product questions to complete personalised feed plans. Speak to our Feed Line for free feeding advice today.