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Weigh Tape

An easy to use weigh tape to measure your horse's weight. The weigh tape measures up to 850kg.

  • Monitor condition
  • Ensure correct feed rations
  • Administer correct medication and worming dosages
  • Identify sudden changes in weight

Suitable For

  • All horses and ponies

Full instructions for use come with the weigh tape. If you are using a weigh tape to monitor changes in condition over time, make sure to always use the same tape, the same surface and measure at the same time of day for consistency. For reference record your horse's weigh tape reading when his condition score is ideal.


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Perfect Partners to Weigh Tape

Please select one of the categories below for appropriate companions to Weigh Tape

A balancing feed, specifically designed for those challenged by weight or metabolic issues including those affecting their feet.


Sieved lucerne chop ideal for all equines, especially those looking to lose weight.


Our highest fibre, low sugar lucerne in 6mm cubes, perfect for those needing a low calorie feed.


A premium forage alternative to lucerne & grass. High in fibre, low in calories and rich in natural minerals & trace elements.


A comprehensive high fibre mash, rich in omega 3 and natural vitamins and minerals. Provides dietary support for equines affected by Mallenders, Sallenders, CPL and dry itchy skin.


Sieved lucerne chop ideal for all equines, especially those looking to lose weight.


Our highest fibre, low sugar lucerne in 6mm cubes, perfect for those needing a low calorie feed.


A high fibre Timothy Grass chop. Harvested at a mature stage for naturally low sugars.


A nutrient rich, premium lucerne chop with fresh cold pressed linseed oil.


Premium grass chop with cold pressed linseed oil.


A blend of highly nutritious, natural ingredients for a convenient, nutrient rich, top up feed.


Premium 6mm high protein grass pellets, providing all the benefits of spring grass.


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