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A comprehensive high fibre mash, rich in omega 3, low in sugar and starch to provide dietary support for equines with dry or itchy skin.

  • Highly palatable
  • Soaks instantly
  • Healthy coat & skin

Suitable For

  • Natives, cobs & feathered breeds
  • Convenient all in one mash feed
  • All levels of work & rest


Feeding Instructions

As with any new feed, introduce gradually over a week.
Feed soaked, use 2.5 parts water to 1 part feed. Soaks instantly.
Feed 200g per 100kg of ideal body weight (1 kg per day for a 500kg horse).
This amount can be halved for maintenance.


Timothy grass, Beet pulp, Cooked full fat linseed, Seaweed meal, Sodium chloride.


All products are natural and seasonal variations can occur, the packaging of each product will detail the typical analysis which is relevant to the batch/cut within the bag. Below are this product's specification ranges to give an indication of the seasonal variations that can occur for this product.

Specification Ranges

Crude Fat (Oil) % 8-10 %
Crude Ash % 6-9 %
Crude Protein % 8-12 %
Crude Fibre % 20-25 %
Sugar % <5 %
Starch % <5 %

Vitamins & Minerals

We do not add vitamins as the forages themselves have them naturally occurring, often in their precursor form, so the packaging of each forage product details average vitamin & mineral figures produced by the British Association of Green Crop Driers to give an indication of the levels found within Lucerne or Grass. However, Simple System undertakes mineral analysis every two years or when/if the source of the product is changed. Below are the most up to date figures specific to this product.

Major Minerals

Calcium % 0.67
Phosphorus % 0.22
Sodium % 1
Potassium % 1.35
Magnesium % 0.16
Chloride % 2.19
Sulphur % 0.24

Minor Minerals

Copper mg/kg 5
Manganese mg/kg 31
Zinc mg/kg 30
Iron mg/kg 340
Selenium mg/kg 0.16

Molly has been fed on MalleMash since November. The feed is suiting her really well, she is the fittest she’s ever been and she absolutely loves her MalleMash! She also adores the Lucie Mints sprinkled on top of her feed, or in her treatball, as an occasional treat.

Ms Mary Harding

Perfect Partners to MalleMash

Please select one of the categories below for appropriate companions to MalleMash

Cooked full fat linseed, ready to feed. A valuable source of essential Omega 3.


A high fibre Timothy Grass chop. Harvested at a mature stage for naturally low sugars.


Mature Timothy Grass compressed into 1kg grass blocks, feed whole & dry to mimic grazing.


Premium 6mm high fibre grass pellets, providing all the benefits of summer grass, all year round.


Sieved lucerne chop ideal for all equines, especially those looking to lose weight.


Our highest fibre, low sugar lucerne in 6mm cubes, perfect for those needing a low calorie feed.


A high fibre Timothy Grass chop. Harvested at a mature stage for naturally low sugars.


A blend of top quality ingredients for our ultimate forage balancer. Feed all year round to complement forages & grazing.


A comprehensive forage balancer with natural joint care. Designed to support older or harder working horses, aiding comfort, flexibility and range of motion.


A comprehensive forage balancer with calming support, specifically developed to help settle reactive, tense or spooky horses.


Cooked full fat linseed, ready to feed. A valuable source of essential Omega 3.


A blend of top quality ingredients for our ultimate forage balancer. Feed all year round to complement forages & grazing.


Unmolassed beetpulp pellets - a source of high quality digestible fibre, with no added sugar.


A complete & convenient feed, combining our high quality forages & complementary ingredients.


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