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Katie Stott

I bought Excalibur as a lanky 2 year old last year- he was a good weight but just lacked condition/shine to his coat. When I purchased him his previous owner sent me a list of his hard feed and it consisted of 4 different types of cereal based mixes/nuts, a chaff based product and 3 different supplements! I nearly fainted at the thought of them all! He was extremely flighty /hot to handle and I decided I would most probably send him away as a 3/4 year old to be professionally backed as I just couldn't imagine myself being able to handle such a young sharp horse. I spoke to one of your feed specialists at your horse live and loved the simplicity of the feeds- I was recommended the LuciePellets- GreenGold and Total Eclipse- it felt a lot more natural giving him these feeds rather than filling him with sugars and cereals! And most of all he loved them :) He is now rising 4 and he looks amazing and I'm no longer sending him away for backing as he's so much calmer and level headed and I'm sure a lot of it is down the Simple System feeds. Many people on my yard are now feeding Simple System feeds and are all pleased with the results.

Feeds used

Premium lucerne chop, naturally high in calcium & protein to support muscles & bones.


Premium 6mm organic lucerne pellets, naturally high in calcium & protein to support muscles & bones.


A blend of top quality ingredients for our ultimate forage balancer. Feed all year round to complement forages & grazing.
