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Podgy ponies and low calorie nutrition

04 August 2016

What a year for grass! Normally in August everything is looking a bit parched and the horses are starting to lose some of their springtime podge, but not this year. Instead of increasing the feed, a lot of our equine friends still need to have a lower calorie diet. LucieStalks to the rescue! This amazing feed is really low in calories, naturally very low in sugar and all this achieved without using straw. Straw is now recognised as being an unsuitable feed for horses � but we already knew that because we do not want horses to eat their straw beds! The magic is achieved on this 100% pure lucerne feed by sieving it � the more nutritious leaf particles are taken out, leaving only the high fibre stems. It is a jolly good chew for your horse or pony so it is satisfying to eat, gentle on the stomach and contains no nasties! Great for donkeys, too. Use anything from a handful to a tubful depending on requirements, dampen with water and add a suitable balancer such as Total Eclipse. Not so brilliant for those with dodgy teeth who cannot chew coarse food � they will be happier with soaked LucieFibre Cubes � similar nutrition but pelleted. The Simple System Feed Line is always happy to take your calls on 01728 604 008 or email info@simplesystem.co.uk

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