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Christmas Treats now available

20 November 2020

Our limited edition Christmas treats are now available to buy. Christmas Brix are a special edition apple & cinnamon flavour lucerne brix. Christmas Lucie Mints are made with lucerne and festive peppermint for a natural healthy treat. Both are suitable for all horses, including those prone to laminits. Order online via our website, by telephone or from your local Simple System stockist.

Featured News

Forage blocks for horses - FAQs

Forage Brix are an easy and convenient way to increase your horse's fibre intake either in the field, or stable.

A horse feed for condition

Sometimes, our horses need a bit of a nutritional boost... bring on the TopGain!

When should I wean my foal?

Although it is traditional to wean at 6 months, this is actually too early. The foal’s important gut microbes are not fully up and running until the foal is 7.5 months old.