We have been busy as usual with enquiries from customers who are concerned about their horses and we love being able to offer some suggestions that could help improve things for these horses. We are lately getting a lot of enquiries about suitable diets for horses with ulcers and also laminitis – these seem to be recurring issues which cause so much angst for horse owners. Feeding and appropriate management can make a big difference to horses’ recovery and avoiding future recurrence. This is the time of year to give your paddocks a make-over. The wet autumn and winter have left many paddocks looking very sad. In some cases, the grass has actually been killed by the prolonged wet and seriously poached fields can take a long time to pick up again. I have one field in particular that needs renovating, so I will be applying 5 bags to the acre of Equine Calcified Plus, give it a good harrowing and will broadcast some Natural Grazing Mix seed on the worst bits. Now the soil is warming up, it is a good time to do these tasks. Our Feed Line people are always happy to discuss your issues and make suggestions but will always respect your right to choose. And we won’t keep calling you back to see if you have switched to our feeds yet! Jane van Lennep Director of Nutrition at Simple System Horse Feeds
In the press | Dinky Ponies supported by Simple System
Horses requirement for protein varies depending on their age, reproductive status, age, work and condition...
The higher temperatures we are currently experiencing in the UK can cause havoc for some of our horses.