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Bugged by flies?

21 June 2023

Many of our horses are living in fly rugs and fly masks to protect them from biting insects. Did you know that biting insects are attracted to sugar? This includes horses with high blood sugar levels. Check your horse's diet for sugar levels and scrutinise ingredients lists. Molasses make the blood sweeter (and tastier to biting insects) so switching to a molasses-free feed like Simple System will help. It is also worth considering the sugar levels in your grass. During daylight hours, grasses make and store sugars as they photosynthesize. As sugar levels are lower overnight, night time grazing will be preferable to day time grazing. If your horse is affected by flies, Instant Linseed can help soothe irritation caused by bites. Instant Linseed is a valuable source of omega 3, the anti-inflammatory omega which can aid healing. If you would like feeding advice, including which Simple System products will be best for your horse, please contact our Feed Line on 01728 604 008 or email info@simplesystem.co.uk or complete our online form.

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