We are pleased to announce that Timothy Chop is now in a 15kg bag, which means less plastic and more product for your horse. The new bags are more efficiently packed and we can fit more bags on a pallet, allowing us to reduce our plastic and distribution costs. We are passing these cost savings on to you, our customers. We feel it is important to make our natural forage feeds as affordable as possible so that we can help as many horses as we can.
Timothy Chop will be in temporary packaging for the next few months, until our new bags arrive. A high fibre pure Timothy grass chop with naturally low sugars, Timothy Chop is suitable for all horses including those prone to laminitis. Free from molasses, preservatives and additives.
A high fibre Timothy Grass chop. Harvested at a mature stage for naturally low sugars.
Forage Brix are an easy and convenient way to increase your horse's fibre intake either in the field, or stable.
Sometimes, our horses need a bit of a nutritional boost... bring on the TopGain!
Although it is traditional to wean at 6 months, this is actually too early. The foal’s important gut microbes are not fully up and running until the foal is 7.5 months old.