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Simple System Horse Feeds at BEVA Congress 2023 - HayCare for vets

High praise for HayCare at BEVA Congress 2023

04 October 2023

At Simple System we are always keen to expand our knowledge and professional network. Recently we attended the three day British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) Congress in Birmingham.

We manned a trade stand and had some wonderful discussions about using Simple System Horse Feeds in a clinical setting as well as all of your typical day-to-day feeding conundrums: old horses, metabolic horses and those prone to ulcers. Our HayCare Care Packs were well received.

There was a wealth of information to be gained from attending the lectures which covered a broad range of topics again, ulcers featured quite heavily with a particular focus on Equine Glandular Gastric Disease (EGGD) and there was an interesting discussion on the effects anthelmintics are having on the environment, encouraging "dung beetle friendly" paddock management.

The main theme throughout the Congress however was the quite literally "growing" issue of equine obesity but why from a "Human Behaviour Change" perspective, it is a difficult subject to broach and address. Whilst aware of the issue, we as owners may not always know how best to go about resolving it or, tend to let our horses off for being a bit on the large size due to their breed or use.

However, the standout moment from Congress had to be when our very own HayCare got a mention in an insightful talk on "Nutrition for the Recurrent Colic". We know that our customers and their horses love this product and that its far extends that of "hay replacement", but to hear its importance and recognised in a room of veterinary professionals was a very proud moment! (Ref. L Taylor)

We will be expanding more on the topics covered at BEVA in our Autumn/Winter edition of The Scoop, so keep an eye out for that landing through your door.

You can register for your free copy of The Scoop by registering on our website and opting in under My Account > Marketing Preferences

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Premium high fibre quick-soaking Timothy grass for horses and ponies unable to eat hay.


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