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Product of the Month: Blue Bag Grass Pellets

18 May 2011

Different horses respond to different feeds and one thing we are sure of is that Thoroughbreds and their crosses do really well on Blue Bag Grass Pellets!

They are like summer grazing, as opposed to spring grazing. Plenty of nutrition without being too much and not heating! They are safe to feed in large amounts and are great when you are out competing all day, especially if otherwise, your horse would be in the paddock munching away on the grass. Their feed value is in the medium range, but a tiny bit more quick release energy than lucerne feeds yet not as much as Red Bag Grass Pellets, which are more like rocket fuel!

You can feed anything from 0.5 kg to 5 kg per day for an average 500kg horse and it is safe to increase amounts a lot from one day to the next if work increases a lot, as when competing. Like all our forage feeds, you do not have to leave a gap between work and feeding. Frequent feeding also has the advantage of giving protection against ulcers, which are more likely when a horse is worked on an empty stomach or when fed starchy feeds.

Balance Blue Bag Grass Pellets with Total Eclipse. They go very well with Green Gold, with some water to dampen the feed or if you are competing and are worried if the horse is taking enough water, mix the Blue Bag Grass Pellets with soaked LucieCobs or PuraBeet.

For more information on this or other feeds in our range, please call our feed line on 01728 604 008.

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