HayCare, is our best selling hay replacer for horses - made from premium high fibre Timothy grass. HayCare is 100% Timothy grass, with nothing else added. This means, like all Simple System's Feeds, it is free from molasses, straw, cereals and their by-products, soya, additives and preservatives.
Native to Europe, Timothy grass (Phleum pratensis) can grow over 1m tall and is distinctly characterised by its long flowerhead. It flowers from June until September, turning a purple colour as it matures.
Timothy grass has excellent nutritional value for horses and is commonly used to make hay. The Timothy used to make our HayCare is grown specifically for us. It is tested to ensure that sugar levels are suitably low and the feed value correct. Through careful management of harvesting date and time, our grower is able to achieve naturally low sugar and starch levels, making HayCare suitable for all horses, including those with metabolic issues.
Did you know? Timothy grass is said to be named after Timothy Hanson who introduced it into agriculture in the southern states of US in the early 18th century.
To learn more about HayCare please click here or contact our Feed Line nutrition team on 01728 604 008.
Not looking for a hay replacer but require a Timothy grass feed for your horse? Our Blue Bag Grass Pellets, Timothy Chop and MeadowBrix (grass blocks for horses) are all made from 100% Timothy grass to meet different nutritional requirements. For more informaton click the product names or contact our Feed Line nutrition experts using the number above. You can also request a free feed plan for your horse here - https://www.simplesystemhorsefeeds.co.uk/askaquestion.asp