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Summer Salt

A natural source of European rock salt, for adding to feed or water, helping to replenish salts lost in work or travelling.

  • 100% natural
  • Pure granular rock salt
  • Aids rehydration

Suitable For

  • Horses in hard work & travelling
  • Sick horses
  • Use in hot weather
  • Supporting Sodium deficiency
  • Adding to feed or water

Feeding Instructions

Certain situations may increase your horse�s requirement for salt: warm weather, when travelling, undertaking fast or prolonged work, when not able to make full use of a salt lick and when work or anxiety induces sweating.

Instructions for use in water:
Add at a rate of 15g (� enclosed measure) per 1 gallon/4.5 litres. A standard stable bucket holds 3 gallons and would require 1� measures (45g).
Must be offered alongside plain water, allowing your horse to choose which water is consumed.

Instructions for use in feed
Add to feed at a rate of 15g for ponies (� measure), 30g for horses (1 measure) or more as required.
Ensure clean fresh water is available


Sodium chloride (sieved white rock salt) 99%

We don't currently have any testimonials specifically about Summer Salt. You can view customers successes with other products on the Testimonials Page.

Perfect Partners to Summer Salt

Please select one of the categories below for appropriate companions to Summer Salt

Perfect Partners to Summer Salt

Premium 12mm lucerne nuts, naturally high in calcium & protein to support muscles & bones.


Unmolassed beetpulp pellets - a source of high quality digestible fibre, with no added sugar.


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